Taking Off the Pounds

Sunday, October 15, 2006

One of the great things about losing more than fifty pounds, is you can start doing more. Today I just sat back a little and remembered where I was just six months ago.

Six months ago I topped the scales at 302 pounds. I huffed going up stairs. It was hard, HARD, to get out of a chair. I was depressed. I’d try to work out a bit, but it wouldn’t last and I’d end up binge eating and swigging some beers to console my fat, slobby self.

Now I’m under 250 and still going down. I have so much more energy and I do so much more. Today, I walked to the gym and did a quick, intense aerobics workout on a treadmill. Then I walked home. I did some chores. Then I had to go to a business to take care of some computer issues. In the past I would have driven, but today I walked. It was hot and sunny, but it was a nice walk.

I took care of the business and sent a text message to my wife. I walked more blocks to a restaurant where I had lunch with her. My lunch was a crisp salad, a quarter of a roasted chicken with a side of some baked, baby potatoes. After lunch we walked to the grocery store and picked up a few things. I walked home, about five blocks, carrying the groceries.

It’s the little things in the activities today that really make you appreciate your health. When you commit to eating healthy and exercising in a sensible manner you can have your life back. You don’t have to be covered by layers of fat that insulate you from the life you want and deserve.

I have an intermediate goal of 235 pounds, with a final goal of 190 pounds. I can make it. I can see my way there. Hell, I’m halfway there now! You can get there too!

Get out and go for it!


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