Taking Off the Pounds

Monday, September 25, 2006

Most professionals would agree that the best way to lose pounds is not a fad diet, crash exercise programs or other type of radical dieting. It is a sensible program that centers on a healthy diet and reasonable exercise.

That is one thing I've tried to keep in mind. Of course, a lot of the things I do are not in this ideal. I do try to eat intelligently, but my exercise program is much more intense then what most professionals would sanction. But that's okay. It is something that keeps me challeneged and motivated. It is an approach that has allowed me to lose over 50 pounds in six months and I'm still heading towards my end goals.

But even though I do wander from healthy weight loss principals I know why I do them and for, what I think, are good reasons. But it's a very good idea to know those principals, and I mean REALLY know them, before you decide not to do them.

A great article on some great principals are at netdoctor.co.uk . It's a great approach that you can't go wrong if you follow it.

I'm heading out for a 30-minute jog right now. Go have fun, and be healthy!


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